Friday, September 02, 2005

Gawd.. Its been ages since I last updated… Am in the school library now using the iMac to blog and surf coz my lappies at home.

This is like a different phase of my life. Everythings changing –Friends, environment, clothes, etc. I gotta grow up and be a little more mature, more matured than how I used to be. Even the eyeliners getting lesser.

Things are getting a little tougher now since school started. Theres more tests and assignments that Im struggling to complete. Sometimes it gets a little hard to “fit in” but I always tell myself its alright.

Sheeks.. Its been so long that I hardly even know what to write..

Went over to Lynns house yesterday. Her pet dogs, 3 of them were so adorable – Though they loved barking at strangers. The oldest dog seemed to like me a lot coz she kept licking my fingers.. HhAha.. Anyway, we cooked pasta and ate them while watching “Monster-in-Law”.. Then we started painting our nails and laughing at each others jokes.

Dang.. I just pray that Id be able to adapt to my new environment.. Dont get me wrong. I love it in Lasalle but it gets quite frustrating after a while when you gotta wreck your brains to decide what to wear for the next day.. I think the same goes for polytechnic students too? HAha..



11:38 AM
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